Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Week of Adventure! (Mar 31)

Well, this week was a little closer to average than I would have liked. But! We also had a good share of adventures too! :) haha. For example, on Saturday, we saw a whole bunch of little stands and stuff in the city main square, so we went over there to see what was going on--turns out there was a concert there! haha but it was mostly old people, hahahahaha, soo funny. :) so we spent a little time there, but mostly just walked around and then decided to go home for dinner hahaha. 
Then Sunday was a little adventure! We went to Austria! hahaha. so Sopron is RIGHT on the border of Austria, and there is a park, called the pan-european park, where we had a picnic with the missionaries and the branch presidents family. the park is a few.. well feet from the border haha. so we went a few feet into Austria! hahaha. :) We then decided to go somewhere else o eat, and there was a little watchtower, and the view was GORGEOUS. seriously amazing.
I absolutely love it here. It is never easy, but it is always worth it. :) Love you all tons! And remember! Easter is coming, so I challenge you to remember why Jesus Christ is so important to all of us. Have a great week!
Sok szeretettel,
Flake Elder
 This was our lunch last week! The investigator who made it for us is Nori, and she is so cool! :) 
 this was the Jewish synagogue we tried to go into, but it was closed! :( 
 This was our time bowling! 
 our first selfie in sopronnnn! So that is sterri, zsolt, me, and waldvogel.
 a US Mailbox.. in Hungary... haha.
a monument to George Washington, the great American hero. In the middle of Eastern Europe... wut? hahaha. 
 Some fun with the Browns!

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