This first one is from June 2, 2013
Drága család (Dear flakes),
This experience has been incredible. I could not ask for a better place to be right now. I feel the spirit so strong every day. My days are jam-packed! I mean, I've been here only a few days, and I already know lots of Magyar (Hungarian)! I learn more than I could ever learn in one day than in a year of secular study. This church is true, and led by divinely inspired men. I am
so grateful for
awesome Elders that have come before me and shown me
boundless love. Every single Elder has been incredible at showing our Savior's love and being a
great example of diligence.
I hope all is well at home. Life here is amazing. Szeretem titeket!
Tudom, hogy Jézus Krisztus van lsten Fia. Isten szeretem titeket és én.
(Have no fear! Love and prayers are coming your way. Remember, the Lord will provide. Trust Him. )
Elder Jordan Flake
P.S. Use Dear for emails.
P.P.S. Use the return address I used to send mail.
P.P.P.S. Love you and miss you all lots and don't worry. It's hard because the Lord is preparing you for something-something AMAZING! Stay faithful.
sok szeretet,
Letter #2
June 6, 2013
Drága család(ok) (he worte next to the ok "maybe, not sure") (Dear Family)
(Drah-gaw chaw-lah-doek)
Thank you for using Dear! Loved getting that first email. Miss you guys tons! But, I absolutely love it here. Every single day is amazing. The Spirit is so strong, and I'm glad my time here has been amazing. We are (me& our district) are part of the
first group of people (along with Aley Davis & her district & some others) to come straight here to the West campus! It's amazing, we are totally secluded from the main MTC! But it is so awesome-we have
so much szabadság! (freedom)
The language is coming great, I feel like I'm really getting a grasp of it, even after just one week!! Can't wait for the packages!! Although by the time you get this, I'll probably already have thanks!
Thursday-today-is my P-Day. My first one! Man, it has been so nice. So the guy I emailed you about (that feels weird to say cause I haven't emailed yet... hopefully I will! :p) says he remembers Paul and his kids, especially Kai (Sabrina's son). So awesome to someone from so close to home.
EVERYONE here is from Utah. Except like 3 people. And it seems like everyone went to BYU! So funny. And GUESS WHAT! My companion Elder Blackman has the same birthday as me!! How cool is that! He's a great guy. Actually, he reminds me a lot of Michael...which is so weird. But I absolutely love him. He's so funny and we balance each other out great and he is really spiritual. Sometimes (actually a lot) he loses focus. But, we get along great. The other missionaries in my apartment, Elders Spedding and Raymond, are so cool! Because we live in BYU housing, we get a full apt. Like, kitchen, living room, MASSIVE bathroom, the works! So nice. Only a week here, and I already have had so much fun, and
so many stories! Haha!
Well, I love you guys and don't worry. Wipe away those tears Mom, Emmalee, DAD! I know you guys are reading this out loud (yes, we were, lol) But really, don't worry. Two years will fly by. PROMISE. Ü
And tell anyone that asks that I'm doing GREAT! Ü Love it here, and I'm
so beyond happy to be serving the Lord.
Remember, the Lord will provide. Trust Him.
Szeretlek titeket,
Elder W. Jordan Flake
On the sides of his letter he wrote (practicing Hungarian...;p) Tudom, hogy Isten szert titeket.
Isten a mi szeret= Mennyei Atyánk.